
Please reference this publication when using PREX:

Soito L., Williamson C., Knutson S.T., Fetrow J.S., Poole L.B., and Nelson K.J. (2011). "PREX: PeroxiRedoxin classification indEX, a database of subfamily assignments across the diverse peroxiredoxin family." Nucleic Acids Res, 39(Database issue):D332-337. PMID: 21036863

General Peroxiredoxin References

Prx catalytic cycle

Poole, L. B. (2007). The Catalytic Mechanism of Peroxiredoxins. Peroxiredoxin Systems. L. Flohé and J. R. Harris. New York, Springer: 61-81. PMID: 18084890

Prx reductants

Poole, L. B. (2005). "Bacterial defenses against oxidants: mechanistic features of cysteine-based peroxidases and their flavoprotein reductases." Arch Biochem Biophys 433(1): 240-54. PMID: 15581580

Prx classification references

Copley, S. D., W. R. Novak, et al. (2004). "Divergence of function in the thioredoxin fold suprafamily: evidence for evolution of peroxiredoxins from a thioredoxin-like ancestor." Biochemistry 43(44): 13981-95. PMID: 15518547

Dietz, K. J. (2003). "Plant peroxiredoxins." Annu Rev Plant Biol 54: 93-107. PMID: 14502986

Hofmann, B., H. J. Hecht, et al. (2002). "Peroxiredoxins." Biol Chem 383(3-4): 347-64. PMID: 12033427

Karplus, P. A. and A. Hall (2007). Structural Survey of the Peroxiredoxins. Peroxiredoxin Systems. L. Flohé and J. R. Harris. New York, Springer: 41-60. PMID: 18084889

Knoops, B., E. Loumaye, and V. Van der Eecken. (2007). Evolution of the peroxiredoxins. Peroxiredoxin Systems. L. Flohé and J. R. Harris. New York, Springer: 27-40. PMID: 18084888

Rouhier, N. and J. P. Jacquot (2005). "The plant multigenic family of thiol peroxidases." Free Radic Biol Med 38(11): 1413-21. PMID: 15890615

Trivelli, X., I. Krimm, et al. (2003). "Characterization of the yeast peroxiredoxin Ahp1 in its reduced active and overoxidized inactive forms using NMR." Biochemistry 42(48): 14139-49. PMID: 14640681

Review of Prx structures

Hall, A., K. Nelson, L. Poole, and P. A. Karplus. (2010). "Structure-based insights into the catalytic power and conformational dexterity of peroxiredoxins." Antioxid Redox Signal PMID: 20969484

Karplus, P. A. and A. Hall (2007). Structural Survey of the Peroxiredoxins. Peroxiredoxin Systems. L. Flohé and J. R. Harris. New York, Springer: 41-60. PMID: 18084889

Srx: Prx repair proteins

Jönsson, T. J. and W. T. Lowther (2007). The peroxiredoxin repair proteins. Peroxiredoxin Systems. L. Flohé and J. R. Harris. New York, Springer: 115-41. PMID: 18084892

Plant Prx references

Dietz, K. J. (2003). "Plant peroxiredoxins." Annu Rev Plant Biol 54: 93-107. PMID: 14502986

Rouhier, N. and J. P. Jacquot (2005). "The plant multigenic family of thiol peroxidases." Free Radic Biol Med 38(11): 1413-21. PMID: 15890615

Regulation of Prx function by post-translational modifications

Hall, A., P. A. Karplus and L. B. Poole. (2009). "Typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins--structures, mechanisms and functions." FEBS J 276(9), 2469-2477. PMID: 19476488

Rhee, S. G., K. S. Yang, et al. (2005). "Controlled elimination of intracellular H(2)O(2): regulation of peroxiredoxin, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase via post-translational modification." Antioxid Redox Signal 7(5-6): 619-26. PMID: 15890005

Woo, H. A., Yim, S. H., Shin, D. H., Kang, D., Yu, D., & Rhee, S. G. (2010). "Inactivation of Peroxiredoxin I by Phosphorylation Allows Localized H2O2 Accumulation for Cell Signaling." Cell, 140(4), 517-528. PMID: 20178744

Role of Prxs in cellular signaling

Fourquet, S., M. E. Huang, et al. (2008). "The dual functions of thiol-based peroxidases in H2O2 scavenging and signaling." Antioxid Redox Signal 10(9): 1565-76. PMID: 18498222

Hall, A., P. A. Karplus and L. B. Poole. (2009). "Typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins--structures, mechanisms and functions." FEBS J 276(9), 2469-2477. PMID: 19476488

Veal, E. A., A. M. Day, and B. A. Morgan. (2007). "Hydrogen peroxide sensing and signaling." Mol Cell 26(1), 1-14. PMID: 17434122