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X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
The X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory is currently the most
advanced in-house academic facility of its kind in North Carolina and includes
2 complete X-ray generator-and-detector systems with associated
low-temperature devices (Oxford CryoJet). The
newest (July, 2003) system consists of a Rigaku/MSC MicroMax-007 Microfocus
rotating anode generator, Saturn-92 Digital CCD Camera system, and Confocal
Blue Max-Flux optical system. The original (November, 2001) system consists of an RU-H3R
generator with Osmic Confocal Blue optics and an R-AXIS IV imaging plate system,
which was upgraded in July, 2003, with an inverse phi axis and color video system.
The protein crystallization facilities are conveniently located adjacent to the
X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory; these include a new (2003) 100 ft2 cold room
dedicated to crystallization, a Belle Technology Clear View Glove Box for
preparing and cryo-cooling crystals in the absence of oxygen, and a new
Dynamic Light Scattering instrument (Malvern Instruments ZEN1600) for
characterization of proteins in solution.
A 2004 grant from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center funded the purchase of
a Tecan Freedom Evo 200 robotics
workstation for Protein Crystallization and Proteomics applications, in
addition to a 4DX Systems AB single-crystal
microspectrophotometer and a Tecan Safire2 monochromator-based
microplate reader.